Teaching Resources for Economics

Posted by Economics Corner on 4:10 AM
Useful sites:

Ministry of Manpower is
Singapore Statistics http://www.singstat.gov.sg/

1. Straits Times / Business Times -
2. BusinessWeek - Articles for the classroom - http://www.resourcecenter.businessweek.com/
3. CHEER - Computers in Higher Education Economics Review http://www.ilrt.bris.ac.uk/ctiecon/cheer/

Singapore Government Departments
1. Singapore Government Online Portal - http://www.gov.sg/
2. Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore -
3. Ministry of Finance - Govt budget, Fiscal policy & Press Releases -http://www.mof.gov.sg/cor/index.html
4. Monetary Authority of Singapore - Economic Research Unit -
5. Economic Development Board - http://www.sedb.com.sg/
6. Ministry of Trade and Industry - http://www.mti.gov.sg/

Economics Educators
· Introduction to Microeconomics

· Markets

· Market Failure
Introduction to Macroeconomics
AD & AS Model
Government Policy
Macroeconomic Controversies
International Economics
Development Economics

Lesson Plans

Conceptual Analysis In Economics (gr. 9-12) The purpose of this activity is to involve students in making decisions and pursuing their own interests within a social and economic environment. Students should develop skills such as critical thinking, decision making, and assertiveness; attitudes, intuition, and the kinds of knowledge and understanding that will enhance continuous change and growth.

Consumer Borrowing and Saving (gr. 11-12) To give students the needed background in the positive and negative aspects of credit, its impact upon individuals and the nation, and practical knowledge and understanding of the wise use of credit.

Division of Labor (gr. 4-12) When studying about the Industrial Revolution and its effects on workers and productivity a short simulation will help students understand why the concept of division of labor was utilized in the fledgling industries.

Entrepreneur (gr. 10-12) This activity is used as a group activity. The students work in groups of four to establish a profitable business that also helps the economy of the community. Give students 2-4 days to do research-- then schedule presentations.

Government and Economics: The Ties That Bind (gr. 11-12) The purpose of this activity is to expand the understanding of students in the areas of both economics and government. It is to also show the relationship between these two subjects and how, over the course of time, our views regarding these two subjects have changed. Its third purpose is to show the relationship of these ideas to current political and economic issues.

Interpreting Economic Indicators (gr. 8-12) Economic indicators are characteristics of an economy that economists use to determine the health of the economy. This activity allows students to explore the many indicators our government follows in order to measure regional and national economic activity.

Microeconomics - Personal Budgeting (gr. 9-12) The purpose of the class is to show students that life in the "real world" away from the secure confines of home is drastically different. Decisions must be made with your spouse or, if you're single, by yourself. The outlook changes when the money comes out of your pocket and not someone else's.

School Store (gr. 4) 1.To understand the need to define categories of store items as a fundamental part of the organization of the store. 2. To use the computer to manage, organize, and access information. 3. To determine which jobs are better handled by computers and which by humans.

Teaching Basic Banking Principles (gr. 11-12) This is a lesson that is intended to be used as a method of teaching basic banking principles. Rather than a dry textbook lesson, this lesson (which is probably best done orally, but can be utilized as a take- home or in-class reading assignment) provides an interesting approach to showing how banks "create" money, what reserves are, and what a "run" on a bank is. The lesson is adaptable to whatever the needs are in your particular situation.

Ups and Downs of the Stock Market (gr. 9 -10) To introduce students to the ups and downs of the stock market
Economics: unlimited wants, goods, services


Games Economists Play
Game: #61
Course: Micro
Level: Principles and up
Subject(s): Public goods provision.
Objective: Illustrate why the government provides public goods and subsidizes other goods that generate positive externalities
Reference and contact:
O'Sullivan, Arthur and Steven N. Sheffrin. Economics. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1997 (p. 289); arthur.osullivan@orst.edu; smsheffrin@ucdavis.edu
Large classes are divided into small groups of students who have the opportunity to support public education through their voluntary contributions. Each group begins play with a $30 balance. Student groups must decide how much to contribute to the public good. Contributions may not exceed $10 per period. Each dollar contributed to the public good reduces the government's expenditures on welfare and criminal justice by $3, so the government enjoys budget savings equal to three times the sum of contributions. The government promises to refund the savings equally among all citizens. The experiment is run for five periods.
Class size: Any size.
Time: 30 minutes.
Variations: None indicated

See also:
Public goods games

Glossary of Economic Terms

Other Useful Links: General Economics Education Sites
Business Education on the Internet -
EconEdLink -
Economics LTSN - Catalogue of on-line teaching materials for Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Introductory Economics and Statistics.

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco - Economics Education Links - http://www.frbsf.org/education/curriculum/index.html

National Council on Economic Education - http://www.economicsamerica.org/

SCORE – Principles of Economics - http://score.rims.k12.ca.us/

Tutor 2U Economics - Geoff Riley, Royal Grammar School, Newcastle-upon-Tyne - http://www.tutor2u.net/default.asp

The Singapore Economy
1. Singapore Government – Finance & Economy - Information & Policies -
2. Report of the Economic Review Committee, 2003 – “Singapore Economy : New Directions” - http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/apcity/unpan004878.pdf
3. Remaking Singapore – Speech by DPM Lee Hsien Loong to Singapore Economics Society, 8 April 2003
Economic Issues - MAS Publications and Papers
MAS Economics Explorer Series
6. MAS Monetary Policy Statement, 2 Jan 2003
National Wages Council (NWC) Wage Guidelines For July 2003 To June 2004

Projects, WebQuests & Simulations
WebQuest – Search page -
ThinkQuest Internet Challenge Library

Fixitup Faucet Company's Overseas Move - Students play the role of the Secretary of Commerce of different countries and undertake an investigation into the country's demographic & economic characteristics. Objective: to get a company - Fixitup Faucet Company - to establish its plant in the country. Product: a business brochure. The activity concludes with a role-play in which the Board of Directors of Fix-it-up Faucets discuss the merits of each country's proposal and vote on the best option.

G8 Online Seminar - Internet-based forum designed to have student participants examine and debate the same economic and geo-political issues as the Summit leaders. http://www.g8online.org/

Virtual Economy – Simulation of macroeconomic management, based around No.11 Downing St. - the British Chancellor's office. http://www.bized.ac.uk/virtual/economy/

Webquest examples http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~reak/quiz1.htm

NIE trainees' webquests at http://www.hsse.nie.edu.sg/webquest/Econ/erp_webquest.htm

Other Links of Economic Interest
1. The APEC Economies - http://www.gov.sg/apec/
2. Institute for Fiscal Studies – For economic analysis of public policy -http://www.ifs.org.uk/
3. Christian Aid – Reports on aid, debt, development & trade - http://www.christian-aid.org.uk/
4. One World - http://www.oneworld.net/article/frontpage/10/3
5. World Bank Development Education Programme - http://www.worldbank.org/

*contributed by HSSE/ NIE

Links I find useful or interesting - Added by Mrs Lily Lee:
BBC Business news -
The Economists - http://www.economist.com/index.html
Videos on why study Economics:
Activities and games on why study Economics:
Notes on Economics: http://www.tutor2u.net/revision_notes_economics_gcse.asp
AmosWEB Encyclonomic webpedia
Lessons from econedlink
College Economics
Economic help
revision guru
Study Zone
notes on GCSE Econs


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Posted by Economics Corner on 8:46 AM
New – Half-a-minute on Basic Economics Terms
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Quiz on international organisations
Match the answers - economic indicators

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